Trade Secrets

We have substantial experience in trade secret litigation, representing both plaintiffs and defendants in state and federal courts. Trade secrets cases often move very quickly. We are adept at seeking and obtaining emergency relief for businesses seeking to protect their trade secrets as well as at defending clients against which emergency relief is sought.

Our trade secrets cases have involved, among other things, alleged misappropriation of customer and vendor lists, business plans/presentations, financial data, confidential pricing information, and bidding systems and information. Many of our cases arise in context of a dispute between an employer and an ex-employee, when an employer wants to prevent a former employee from using a company’s trade secret. We also have handled cases in many other contexts including between franchisor/franchisee and competitors (without any ex-employees being involved) as well as in the context of a business divorce. We can assist you in either protecting your trade secrets or defending you if you are accused of misappropriating a trade secret.

Representative Matters

Business Litigation