Students who need to verify their outside fieldwork for either the Education Sciences major or the Education minor must complete the following form.
For more information on completing your fieldwork or research requirement, please see our Field Experience page.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for approval and processing.
Petition for Excess UnitsThis request form is for Education Sciences majors ONLY. Requests will NOT be approved for students who have below a cumulative 3.00 UCI GPA, or for students who are requesting excess units in order to waitlist additional classes. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis; approvals are not guaranteed. Approvals are valid for one term only. For questions/concerns, please email: [email protected]
Excess units during the academic year (fall, winter, spring) is considered 20+ units. No more than 24 units will be considered for one quarter. Please note that WebReg will allow you to enroll in up to 20 units (on your own without the submission of this form). This form is intended for students wishing to enroll in MORE than 20 units.
NOTE: We do not accept excess unit petitions each quarter until after the Registrar has lifted their 18-unit limit. We begin reviewing petitions on these dates, according to the Registrar's calendar:
Summer 2024: Ongoing once Summer Session enrollment begins
Fall 2024: September 3rd, 2024 at noon
Winter 2025: December 19th, 2024 at noon
Spring 2025: March 20th, 2025 at noon
Students who have completed coursework outside of UCI (at community college or another 4-year university) and would like to petition to have this course count towards an Education Sciences major or an Education minor requirement must fill out the following form. For California community college courses, students must check for approved courses through and submit a request to update DegreeWorks through a General Petition form.
Students who are planning on studying abroad must petition their coursework upon return. Please submit a course waiver petition for each course that you would like to use as an Education Sciences major or Education minor requirement. Current Education Sciences majors may submit petitions for GE courses. Students may tentatively petition courses prior to departure based on available course descriptions or syllabi. The decision is not final until another petition is submitted after your study abroad term ends, and the units/courses have been posted to your transcripts.
Important Notes:
*You will be required to upload a syllabus for all courses that you petition. We highly recommend saving course syllabi, projects, assignments, papers and portfolios since it may be required during the petition process.
*This chart can help you get organized for your petition(s).
* For students going abroad during their senior year, your graduation certification may be delayed due to the time it takes for units to be posted to your UCI transcript.
*Petitions are reviewed by our Faculty Director of Undergraduate Programs at the end of each quarter.
Readmission to UCI is NOT automatic or guaranteed. Readmission is for students who have been disqualified or withdrew from UCI as another major and would like to be readmitted into the Education Sciences major in the School of Education. Readmission to the major for students who have been disqualified from the University will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
If you are approved for readmission, a readmission fee of $70 will be charged to your ZotBill. Please see the UCI Registrar’s Readmission website for more information:
A readmitted student who has not been enrolled at UCI for three or more consecutive quarters (excluding summer sessions) will be held to the major requirements in effect the quarter of re-entry.
Deadline to Apply for Readmission:
Fall: August 1st
Winter: November 1st
Spring: February 1st
**International students should plan on meeting with an advisor from the International Center to ensure visa requirements are met prior to discussing readmission with the School of Education**