How To: Email Potential Wedding Vendors | Every Last Detail Contributor

We’re in the wake of Engagement Season, and it’s time for newly engaged brides to start inquiring with vendors, so of course they’re sending tons of emails to potential wedding vendors. With that though, we’ve noticed a few things- specifically, that these emails lack the information necessary for a wedding professional to respond accurately- so today we’re sharing a few helpful tips on how to email potential wedding vendors!

How to Email Potential Wedding Vendors

As a wedding planner, I personally am receiving 10-15 emails a day from potential brides, and one thing has become very apparent: messages are being sent in haste and without any information- essentially just to get the email into vendors’ inboxes. Each email I receive rarely has all the information I need to know to respond efficiently, so when I send my reply, it too is filled with questions, rather than the answers the bride was looking for.

Experiencing this prompted me to ask some of my peers if they were experiencing the same thing, and a resounding YES was their answer! So in an effort to make things a bit more streamlined and information, I have created a simple template to use when emailing potential wedding vendors! It is as easy as “copy & paste”, and not only will the potential vendors you’re emailing appreciate how thorough you are, but the email you will receive in return will have a wealth of information for you! This “template” is just six simple questions that may seem common knowledge to share, but they often get forgotten and are important to share with your potential vendors: